The Curious case of IRS Section 79.

The Curious case of IRS Section 79.

The protection sought with Section 79 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code is going backward. In the novel The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott…


IRMAA’s into B & D

IRMAA stands for Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount. Many pay premiums for Medicare Parts B and D, but high income enrollees may pay more.

The Bad Peppercorn

The Bad Peppercorn

This started with a chicken Caesar Salad. You know, the kind at the grocer, all in one bag kind of thing. The breasts were perfectly seasoned and…

Normal is not a cure for HIV

Normal is not a cure for HIV

One night coming back from a Board Meeting of a nonprofit in the Castro I snapped this photo through the window of the Duboce Cafe. Normal. All…

Private Exchanges

Private Exchanges

I’m at the Choice Administrators road show for their private exchange product that has been writing multi-carrier health insurance for small business in California for 20+ years….

The value of a health insurance broker.

It’s the personal nature of health insurance that makes the need for human interaction so important. The purpose is to finance care and at times that comes…